From April 29 to May 1, 2024, SAFT Tunisie will have the honor of participating in the prestigious Salon International de l’Alimentation (SIAL) Canada, held in Montreal. This event, known as one of the largest gatherings of the food industry in North America, provides an ideal platform to showcase our flagship product: Nour dates from Tunisia.

An Unmissable Presence at SIAL Canada

SIAL Canada is a hub of innovation and trends where producers, distributors, and food industry professionals from around the world converge. For SAFT Tunisie, it is a golden opportunity to introduce our Nour dates to an international audience. Our booth will highlight the exceptional qualities of our dates: their organic origin, gluten-free certification, and unique taste.

Nour Dates from Tunisia: A Product of Excellence

Our Nour dates are renowned for their sweetness and soft texture. Grown in the sunny oases of southern Tunisia, they benefit from ideal climatic conditions that give them an incomparable flavor. Our environmentally friendly farming methods and organic certification ensure a healthy and natural product, meeting the expectations of consumers concerned about their health and the environment.

In addition to being organic, our dates are gluten-free, making them accessible to individuals with dietary intolerances. Their richness in fiber, vitamins, and minerals makes them a perfect food for a balanced diet.

Objectives and Expectations

SAFT Tunisie’s participation in SIAL Canada aims to strengthen our position in the North American market. We seek to establish partnerships with distributors and retailers who share our passion for high-quality products. The fair will also be an opportunity to meet chefs and culinary professionals eager to incorporate healthy and delicious products into their culinary creations.

We hope our booth will attract visitors’ attention with tastings of our Nour dates, allowing everyone to discover their exquisite flavor and tender texture. Additionally, we will present detailed information about our production process, certifications, and the nutritional benefits of our dates.


SAFT Tunisie’s participation in SIAL Canada 2024 is a significant step in our international development strategy. By highlighting the exceptional qualities of our Nour dates, we aim not only to conquer new markets but also to raise consumer awareness about the importance of choosing healthy, natural, and environmentally friendly products. We invite you to visit us from April 29 to May 1 to discover and savor the delights of Nour dates from Tunisia.

We look forward to welcoming you at the SAFT Tunisie stand to share an unforgettable tasting experience!